Category: Uncategorized

  • Setting up GitLab + Nginx

    Assume you are a home user and you want to setup gitlab on a server. However, gitlab consumes signifcant memory and you need to pay at least 50-100$ per month to run the server on cloud providers. At the same time, you don’t have any public IP address, but you can get one for 5$,…

  • Resolution Problem – Windows 11 on QEMU

    I get resolution problem when I install on Qemu using libvirtd and SPICE. The problem is that, I cannot change the resolution because Windows shows default display adapter. The solution is to install teh VirtIO adapter using this link:

  • Notes on Training Deep Learning Models

    1. Nan Values During Training 2. Policy does not get better

  • Reinforcement Learning – Cheat Sheet

    Policy gradient methods: Methods where we directly optimize the policy without the value function. Examples are: REINFORCE, Proximal Policy Optimization.Actor-Critic: Actor critic methods consist of one actor and one critic. Actor is the function of the agent and the critic is the value function of the environment. The goal is to have a fast and…

  • Setting Up GPU Passthrough on Fedora with 2 GPUs

    I have 2 GPUs. FIrst one is AMD, and I am adding a second one, NVIDIA. It was already running with AMD so all the drivers were installed. No drivers are installed for NVIDIA. NVIDIA will be used in the VM environment only. Install Qemu/KVM TODO Enable IOMMU (both in BIOS and Kernel) In kernel,…

  • NeRF – Nerual Radiance Field

    Let’s start with these definitions:Zero-level set: is a mathematical function, e.g. is a level-set.Neural Implicit Representation: we represent a 3D shape’s surface using a mathematical formula. This formula is called zero-level set where the formula is zero if we are on the 3D shape, and some other value if we are on a different location…

  • Fuzzing in Software Testing

    Fuzzing in software testing means changing the program inputs so that you create different inputs in the hope of uncovering software bugs. Fuzzing is nothing more than supplying random input to a program or unit. There are two types of fuzzing: generation and mutation based fuzzing. Mutation Based Fuzzing This type of fuzzing is very…

  • Data Flow Analysis

    Very Busy Expression Analysis Consider the following program: Note that a*b is used twice in the program. Moreover, we can compute a*b value at point A in the program. Let’s do that: Now, we want to automatically find such places. The places where we can define new variables (t in this example) and where we…

  • Dead Space Remake (2023) Review

    The original Dead Space, released in 2008 by now closed Visceral Games, was a masterpiece of a horror game. It had gameplay elements inspired by Resident Evil 4 and a setting reminiscent of the movies Event Horizon and Alien. As a fan of all of these franchises, it was a blast to play back then.…

  • Freedom Convoy in Canada

    Earlier this month a vaccine mandate for truckers who cross US border implemented by Canada government. This made truckers revolt against the vaccine mandate and they started to gather together to protest. Now The Convoy of Freedom is at the streets of Ottawa. And according to local police protest is being conducted peacefully. People in…