Author: Zombi Istilasi
Data Flow Analysis
Very Busy Expression Analysis Consider the following program: Note that a*b is used twice in the program. Moreover, we can compute a*b value at point A in the program. Let’s do that: Now, we want to automatically find such places. The places where we can define new variables (t in this example) and where we…
Raspberry Pi UART Speed Test
After having some trouble with Raspberry Pi pyserial module, I started to think about some benchmarks to see how UART performs with a high load. This setup requires 1 x ESP32 and 1 x Raspberry Pi. I created different programs for ESP32. The experiments run on Raspberry Pi 4B and ESP32-WROOM-32. The cables are regular…
BFME2 Example options.ini File
I occasionally need options.ini file to run Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle Earth 2. Here it is. Also create a directory maps inside folder %APPDATA%\Roaming\My Battle for Middle-earth(tm) II Files if not already present.
Setting Up LAN Connection Between Two Linux PC
It usually worked before when I connect two Linux machines through a LAN cable and set Shared Internet Connection on the device whose internet I’d like to share. But it stopped working at some point (maybe my Linux installation is broken). I had to assign the IP and routes manually. Here are the settings for…
Virtual Box Mouse Freezing on Fedora Host
The mouse is freezing on fedora host if I go full screen and then use mouse both in the host machine and the Virtual Box. Mouse is movable always Mouse is not clickable on anything Virtual Box Mouse is also not clickable on some windows outside Virtual Box, e.g. Chrome on my host computer FIrefox…
Dynamic Method Binding in Java
Why do we need dynamic method binding? Can we simply bind any method statically at compile time in Java? No! Let us see this example: The interesting part is that we don’t know the exact type of a variable in the program in run time. For example, check this program: But we can bind private/static/final…
Lord of the Rings Battle for Middle Earth 2 Cannot See Players in Multiplayer Network Lobby
When I tried to play on Hamachi adapter, my friends were able to see each other but I couldn’t see them neither they could see me. The problem was Battle for Middle Earth 2 was using my LAN IP to search other players. Checked it under Options tab. The solution was to change Options.ini file…
Nvidia Driver – Cuda Mismatch
When I tried nvidia-smi, I got this error: As message indicates this is a version mismatch. I think this happened because of some automatic upgrade. Let us check the versions: The solution was to reinstall the CUDA toolkit from here:
Installing ethminer in Ubuntu and Automatically Mine
Since the ethminer repository is read only and I think docs/ is missing some issues, I will go through installation process. I am using Ubuntu 22.04 64-bit x86 architecture and RTX3060 GPU. 1. Clone the repository and submodules: 2. Install tools: 3. Install cuda toolkit and nvidia drivers 4. Compile the project 5. Run…
Kernel Trick Example
I’d like to demonstrate the kernel trick using a simple example here. The equations are taken from [1]. My motivation is to look from a more practical perspective. Inputs and Outputs Of course we have X as input and y as output. But I want to talk about inputs to the prediction equation to solve…