Intel MPI Benchmarks Test – First Step

First step is to run a simple benchmark after the setup I tried here.
I had problems with running a simple one because it depends on the architecture.
I created 3 virtual machines with Ubuntu 22.04 on the same network.
Then, I followed the steps here.

In short:

1. Create hostfile # computer 1 # computer 2

2. Create machinefile

3. Set the network architecture and run the benchmark

# enp1s0 is the name of the network card from ifconfig output
I_MPI_HYDRA_IFACE=enp1s0 ICX_TLS=tcp mpiexec -hostfile hostfile -machinefile machinefile -n 4 ./mpi-benchmarks/IMB-MPI1

When you run it, you can get some results like this:

# Benchmarking Scatter 
# #processes = 8 
       #bytes #repetitions  t_min[usec]  t_max[usec]  t_avg[usec]
            0         1000         0.04         0.17         0.10
            1         1000         0.90        29.06        15.05
            2         1000         0.92        38.69        18.23
            4         1000         0.89        33.55        16.86
            8         1000         0.93        19.91        11.58
           16         1000         0.92        19.27        11.35
           32         1000         0.99        28.59        15.42
           64         1000         0.92        17.40        10.80
          128         1000         1.08        37.64        17.88
          256         1000         1.08        24.95        14.23
          512         1000         1.65        29.06        15.81
         1024         1000         1.62        16.13        11.17
         2048         1000         1.66        38.98        19.60
         4096         1000         1.63        59.65        24.04
         8192         1000         1.83        52.81        23.11
        16384         1000         2.33        42.56        23.47
        32768         1000         2.97        94.77        41.67
        65536          640         4.83       100.79        55.93
       131072          320         8.97       173.67       100.59
       262144          160        27.81       263.74       159.53
       524288           80        52.44       581.26       342.81
      1048576           40       402.33      1582.42       878.83
      2097152           20       812.02      3837.76      2029.83
      4194304           10      1657.64      7917.24      4228.54


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